Data-driven Organization Design – Sustaining the Competitive Edge Through Organizational Analytics

Data is changing the nature of competition. Making sense of it is tough. Taking advantage of it is tougher. There is a business opportunity for organizations to use data and analytics to transform business performance. Organizations are by their nature complex. They are a constantly evolving system made up of objectives, processes designed to meet those objectives, people with skills and behaviours to do the work required, and all of this organised in a governance structure. It is dynamic, fluid and constantly moving over time. Using data and analytics you can connect all the elements of the system to design an environment for people to perform; an organization which has the right people, in the right place, doing the right things, at the right time. Only when everyone performs to their potential, do organizations have a hope of getting and sustaining a competitive edge. Data-driven Organization Design provides a practical framework for HR and Organization design practitioners to build a baseline of data, set objectives, carry out fixed and dynamic process design, map competencies, and right-size the organization. It shows how to collect the right data, present it meaningfully and ask the right questions of it. Whether looking to implement a long term transformation, large redesign, or a one-off small scale project, this book will show you how to make the most of your organizational data and analytics to drive business performance.